Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?

Some people can only get validation by being as obnoxious as possible and seeing what response they get. Ignore them and it’s like you’ve taken away the reason for their existence.

Return of the stump

If the stump has a name, I suppose it has to be Donald. Donald Stump. It gets peed on a lot as well.

The third way

If Wednesday’s strip was a comment on the US Elections, this must have been a premonition of its eventual winner. I even used the word Trump in the punchline! Or it’s just a dog doing what dogs do in other animals’ doings.

Easily led

Looking back, I wonder if this was a subconscious comment on the US Elections? Probably not. It’s just some fun with a stick and a ball.


This is me in the pen aisle of the local art shop.

Savage dog

Two fan favourites together for the first time. Prepare yourself for cute overload!


The joy of Sandy is that she’s clueless. She remains loyal to her old owner despite being repeatedly abandoned by him. Now, finally, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has rescued her and she’s been given a new home. And she’s been unable to comprehend any of it – all she knows is she’s been passed around between a sucession of very nice people.

Look who it is!

Of course it was Sandy all along. After guesting for the previous two summers, here she is in her new role as one of the strip’s regulars. By popular request I may add….

Sandy will return

smith-pilcher-828-150724Sandy’s become a very popular character – as she did last summer, she’s sort of taken over the strip with a simple sweetness that contrasts with Smith and Jones occasional feline cynicism. But I’ve had a plan for her ever since I reintroduced her this year – she was always going to find her master, whether he deserved her or not. She’ll be back next summer – and who knows, maybe she’ll be staying for good next time… Rest assured, it’ll be a story with a happy ending. I only do tragic endings when writing about humans.


smith-pilcher-827-150722Now this storyline is coming to its end I’m drawing a bit more of Alexandra Park as it actually is rather than just creating a generic park background. The bandstand can be seen in the first frame and the toilet block next to the bowling green in the third. Also, as we’re nearing one of the roads that border the park, houses are visible behind the foliage and so are some Victorian iron railings that somehow never got melted down in the Second World war to make Spitfires.