Smell the irony

smith-pilcher-745-150112Of course, on the day I publicise the blog in the strip, I forget to update the blog until sometime in the evening. Irony, thy name is Pilcher.

This and the next few strips were sparked off by an article in a book called “The Things that Nobody Knows” on the nature of consciousness. It debates whether it is ever possible to know how a cat thinks, when we have no idea if it has anything even slightly analagous to the self awareness that a human has, or how its vastly different sensory inputs skew the way it sees the world. Of course, all the cats in this strip are highly anthropomorphic in their outlook, so they find this question rather ridiculous.

Besides, from their point of view, the question is more like “How on earth did humans get to be the dominant species when they can’t smell anything worth smelling (and when they can they can only interpret it in the crudest way), hear anything worth hearing or see anything unless they’re under a floodlight?”

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