Spread the joy

708-141017There are some people who just seem to suck all the joy out of environment and replace it with a feeling of despair. Scrumpy is one of those, which is a bit strange as he’s one of the best loved characters in the strip. He has that Eeyore quality of being miserable and loveable at the same time.

Red hot crossover action

707-141015One of the odd things about drawing is that the simpler a character appears to be, the more difficult is it to Draw it. Rene’s Lopez’s Bunny from Alison Ward (the only character in that comic to be naked ALL the time) is a case in point. I’ve followed the rules – I’ve even done the animation-derived thing of building the character up from ovals and circles, but it still doesn’t come out quite right.

Our other guest stars are Winky from Snow Sez… by Theresa Shephard, Girth from GIRTH by Steve Powell, and, of course, Rat from Pearls before Swine by Bill Watterson Stephen Pastis.