Cause and effect

I was invited to a housewarming barbeque a couple of weeks ago, and of course this happened. In Britains barbeques invite rainstorms in the same way trailer parks invite tornadoes in the States.

April shower

I just like drawing rain.

This is all perfectly normal

709-141020Remember, there is no global warming. Those hundred-year flood events that happen every five years? – they are perfectly normal. Those ‘Britain to be battered by hurricane’ headlines that appear every week on the front page of the Daily Express? Nothing to worry about. Those daffodils appearing in December? La la la la not listening.

This did not happen.

This did not happen.


a572-131006I was checking Google Earth around my neighbourhood, you know, the way you do because its easier than climbing over the walls of neighbour’s gardens. And I found that many of the gardens in the bigger houses had identical black circles in them. It took me a while to realise that these were abandoned trampettes, those miniature trampolines usually bought to back up a well-meaning new years resolution to keep fit, used for a month and then abandoned and left to rust at the bottom of the garden by around Easter. Obviously, the cats’ garden couldn’t be complete without one.