Plump green verdantness

My commentary when I put this up on Tapas was the fairly cryptic:

ECCLES: (sings) “I talk to the trees. That’s why they put me away…”

I was so pleased to discover that despite the site skewing to a much more youthful demographic than GoComics, and also a much more international one rather than just THE UK and US, people still knew who the Goons were.

Here’s a sample.


The first grass cutting of the year always smells a bit special – especially when you’re at school and the smell of cut grass wafts into the room during a boring trigonometry lesson.

Return of the Parp



Here we go, this is the culmination of two years of plotting and build up that started in Romney Marsh a couple of summers ago…



The eternal question: how do you pronounce ‘scone’. Some say it should be pronounced as it is spelled: ‘scone’. Others think ‘sconn’ is correct. Personally, I don’t mind either, so long as it’s covered in lots of clotted cream and strawberry jam.

Thanks to Daisy Estall, who posed this question on her facebook feed. The consensus was that it should be ‘scone’. To rhyme with ‘scone’.